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Even Puppy's Grow Old!

Wisdom and Righteousness: Even Puppy's Grow Old!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Even Puppy's Grow Old!

Gabe's birthday party was a great time.  To those who couldn't make it - WE MISSED YOU!  To those who could - such fun!  Thanks for coming!  Gaber turned one of course, and his party was a "puppy" theme.  We had puppy chow in a dog bowl, Dog bone-shaped soft pretzels in a dog biscuit bin, and a hydrant for a water cooler!  The cake was a paw print, and of course the man of honor was in his puppy costume!

He had a great time.  When it came time for the cake, he just stared at it.  We gave him a taste of the frosting and he proceeded to lick his fingers clean, but he was still hesitant to dig in until he warmed up to it a bit.  We will see if his response to his birthday cake is in any way indicative of his personality later in life.  When he approaches the unknown, will he hesitate, or jump right in?  Who knows, only time will tell!  He certainly is such a blessing - full of constant smile, and we are overjoyed to raise this little wonder!


This is our last week of CC, and I am looking forward to the break to really solidify what we have already learned.  We will be using our review lapbooks for this of course, along with a lot of games for CC review.  I am excited about Becca's new idea for a game - we go through coffee creamer like crazy around here and Becca noticed that the containers are shapied like bowling pins.  We are saving up to have all ten, and then we will go "bowling" with our cans for CC review! Should be fun to put together and to play!  Plus, as the snow settles in here, it will give us something a little more active to do.

Our Truth in the Tinsel projects are so much fun.  We didn't get much done this weekend, so we already made two ornaments this morning to "catch up".  It worked out well since the oldest kids were the only ones up, and their creative juices were already rolling!

Hope all is well with everyone, and that you have been able to find a way to slow down and savor the coming of Christ!  What a truly joyful time of the year!



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